Ethical Review of Social Sciences
Durham & Thunmann, 2025. Published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
This paper develops a model to explore the dynamic interaction
between incentive contracts and financial analysts' efforts in
producing high-quality research, while accounting for both ethical
and reputational concerns. Our findings indicate that
compensation structures shaped by reputational and ethical
considerations can give rise to incentive-related challenges.
Specifically, an exclusive reliance on financial incentives
exacerbates conflicts of interest, as analysts may prioritize short-
term gains at the expense of their long-term reputation. In contrast,
a more balanced approach, which integrates both monetary and
non-monetary rewards aligned with analysts' intrinsic work ethic,
allows them to better resist such pressures, leading to enhanced
research quality and a strengthened long-term reputation.
Keywords: Motivation, Reputation, Reporting, Investment
JEL Classification: M14; M12; M52; K31; C23
Financial analysts play a critical role in shaping
financial markets by offering insights that guide
investment decisions and influence market dynamics.
However, conflicts of interest, arising from
compensation structures, reputational concerns, and
ethical dilemmas, can impact the accuracy and
transparency of their reporting. These conflicts can
either enhance or undermine market efficiency,
depending on the nature of the incentives at play.
Notable scandals, such as the 2020 Wirecard fraud,
underscore the risks associated with misaligned
incentives. In this case, despite clear red flags,
external auditors, internal controls, and regulatory
bodies failed to take timely action, and analysts faced
pressure to present a favourable outlook, which
compromised the accuracy of their assessments. This
incident highlights the need for enhanced oversight
mechanisms that encourage truthful and accurate
reporting, even though such forecast and reports may
negatively affect a company's stock performance.
Similarly, the 2016 Wells Fargo scandal, triggered by
the incentive structure for cross-selling, involved the
creation of millions of unauthorized accounts to meet
aggressive sales targets. Senior analysts, in turn,
overlooked the associated risks. In light of recent
incidents that illustrate how pressure-driven, short-
term incentives can distort analysts' reporting
behaviors, this paper emphasizes the need for stronger
regulatory oversight to ensure that analysts provide
accurate and truthful information, even when such
reports may negatively affect a company's stock
To tackle this important issue, we explore the
influence of incentive compensation contracts on
security analysts' reporting behavior. To do so, we
propose a theoretical model that assesses the effects of
such contracts on analysts' reporting practices,
accounting for both analysts’ reputational and ethical
concerns. The incentive structures governing analysts’
behavior are crucial in determining the quality and
integrity of financial reporting. In particular, we focus
on the trade-off between short-term financial
incentives and long-term reputational concerns, where
incentives may include both financial and non-
financial rewards. Previous studies have highlighted
how conflicts of interest, such as analysts issuing
overly optimistic reports to secure lucrative
underwriting deals, can undermine their credibility
with investors and lead to long-term reputational
damage (Dechow et al., 2010). Within this framework,
* École polytechnique, CREST and E4C (France) and
CIRANO (Canada)
** University of Lyon and Coactis (EA 4161)
We thank participants at the European Accounting Association Conference, the
MACORGESCP EAP seminar, and the École Polytechnique Seminar. This work
has been carried out at the Energy4climate (E4C) interdisciplinary center of
IPParis, which is in part supported by 3d programme d’investissement d’avenir
(ANR-18-EUR-0006-02). Support from IdR FDIR 2016-2025 (Ecole
Polytechnique and TSE IDEI) is gratefully acknowledged. Of course, the usual
disclaimer applies.
analysts may prioritize short-term financial rewards
over their long-term reputation for providing accurate
and objective information (Hong & Kubik, 2003).
The design of compensation contracts for financial
analysts requires careful consideration of the inherent
conflicts of interest that arise in their research
activities, particularly in balancing long-term
reputational concerns with short-term incentives.
Agency theory highlights the potential hidden costs of
relying exclusively on monetary incentives, especially
in cases where analysts are intrinsically motivated
(Benabou & Tirole, 2003; Lindenberg, 2001; Deci &
Ryan, 1985; Frey & Oberholzer-Gee, 1997; Kreps,
1997). This paper extends this framework by arguing
that compensation structures for analysts should
incorporate both financial and non-financial
incentives, with particular attention to work ethic and
professional integrity (Noe & Rebello, 1994; Carlin &
Gervais, 2009). Since ethical considerations and
intrinsic motivations are private and difficult to
observe, firms must design contracts that not only
address analysts’ financial incentives but also screen
for their ethical preferences. Drawing on the work of
Heinle, Hoffman, and Kunz (2012), we propose that
analysts may experience ethical distress when their
forecasts and reporting activity deviate from the
standards and ethical norms outlined in their
compensation contracts. This distress can lead to
compromised research quality and undermine the
accuracy of their investment recommendations.
Therefore, to ensure that analysts provide objective
and truthful assessments, compensation contracts
must be structured to align both financial rewards and
ethical incentives, mitigating the pressure to prioritize
short-term gains over long-term credibility. We thus
argue that it is essential for compensation contracts to
account for these ethical dimensions in order to ensure
that analysts are incentivized to maintain the integrity
of their research, even in the face of short-term
financial pressures.
The role of financial analysts encompasses a range
of tasks, including data collection, company visits,
forecasting, and the production of research reports that
inform investment recommendations. We model this
process as one in which an analyst’s research effort
involves interpreting data, drafting reports, and
formulating investment recommendations. The firm
subsequently offers a contract that ties compensation
to the quality of the research produced, which is
assessed based on the accuracy of forecasts and the
value of stock reports to investors. The value of these
reports is determined by the information it provides.
Our model incorporates the understanding that an
analyst’s research effort is influenced by both
monetary incentives (performance-based) and non-
monetary incentives (such as ethical distress). When
an analyst is intrinsically committed to delivering
high-quality research, financial incentives may be
unnecessary. However, when this commitment is
lacking, the firm may need to introduce performance-
based compensation linked to both the
informativeness and accuracy of the research
produced. We propose that conflicts of interest emerge
when substantial monetary incentives undermine
research quality, as significant financial rewards
increase the temptation to compromise on
thoroughness and objectivity. Our dynamic analysis
explores the trade-off between monetary and ethical
incentives in shaping compensation contracts that
seek to balance short-term financial rewards with
long-term concerns about an analyst’s reputation and
the integrity of their research.
Our analysis reveals that the structure of
compensation contracts can significantly influence
incentive dynamics, particularly in the context of
reputational concerns and work ethic. Specifically,
contracts based entirely on financial incentives - full
financial incentives contracts - tend to amplify
conflicts of interest, encouraging analysts to prioritize
short-term gains at the expense of long-term
reputational capital. In contrast, leveraging an
analyst's intrinsic work ethic fosters higher-quality
research, thereby enhancing long-term reputation.
Overall, while purely financial incentive contracts
appear detrimental to both research quality and long-
term reputational outcomes, hybrid incentive
structures - mixed incentives contracts- can mitigate
these conflicts, facilitating an equilibrium where high
research quality and robust reputation coexist.
We contribute to two key strands of literature. First,
we examine how compensation contracts impact
analyst bias in reporting. Incentive structures often
reward short-term performance through bonuses tied
to trading volume, investment banking deals, or client
relationships, which can conflict with objective
reporting (Kothari, Ramanna, & Skinner, 2010).
Much research has focused on the role of financial
analysts as information providers (see Womack, 1996;
Barber et al., 2001; Jegadeesh et al., 2004) and how
their expertise and firm relationships affect
performance (Madureira & Underwood, 2008;
Ljungqvist et al., 2006). Benabou and Laroque (1992)
explore analysts' incentives to profit from superior
information, while Morgan and Stocken (2003) show
how investment banking conflicts can bias
recommendations and reduce report informativeness.
Similarly, Ergungor et al. (2007) find that lending-
affiliated analysts offer more accurate earnings
forecasts to protect their reputation but may provide
overly optimistic recommendations to benefit their
lending clients. Guo, Li, and Wei (2020) stress that
analysts often issue overly optimistic forecasts for
profitable firms or potential investment banking
clients, indicating a persistent bias from incentive-
driven conflicts of interest. Lastly, Zhang et al. (2022)
show that analysts with compensation tied to trading
commissions tend to issue more frequent, favourable
updates, particularly for firms with existing business
relationships, demonstrating how compensation
incentives can influence report positivity and
immediacy, often at the cost of objectivity. We
contribute to this literature by exploring how
performance-based compensation affects analysts’
research and reporting. We show that contracts
rewarding analysts solely based on financial accuracy
can unintentionally lower research quality. Analysts in
such arrangements often prioritize short-term gains
over long-term credibility, leading to a decline in
rigorous analysis. In contrast, a balanced incentive
structurecombining both financial and ethical
rewardstends to support higher-quality research, as
it encourages analysts to focus on integrity and
reliability. Overall, purely financial incentives may
harm long-term quality and reputation, while mixed
incentives can align analysts' motivations with both
research quality and reputation goals, fostering a
stable, high-quality research environment.
The second strand of literature explores how
reputation, ethics, and career concerns influence
analyst forecasting. Milbourn et al. (2001) show that
long-term career concerns can motivate analysts to
produce accurate information, while Bolton et al.
(2007) highlight how conflicts of interest may hinder
full disclosure. Chen and Marquez (2009) further
explore how career concerns and short-term
compensation shape analysts' incentives. Reputation
is a key factor in driving analysts to maintain accuracy
and integrity (Chen et al., 2023; Lu et al., 2018). High-
reputation analysts often gain career benefits, such as
promotions and market credibility, incentivizing
unbiased reporting. However, reputation alone may
not counteract incentives for optimistic forecasts,
especially during market uncertainty (Chang & Choi,
2017). The ethical dimension of analyst behavior has
gained attention, with research showing that analysts
in firms with strong ethical or ESG standards tend to
provide more accurate forecasts (Schiemann &
Tietmeyer, 2022; Cowan & Salotti, 2020). This
suggests that public or private regulatory pressures,
combined with incentive structures favoring long-
term performance, can help deter biased reporting.
Our approach complements this literature as we
analyze how compensation structures may provide
adequate incentives to analysts to avoid exploiting
conflicts of interest. In particular, we endogenously
derive the incentive structure of the analyst by
modelling the interaction between the investment
bank and the analyst, when both reputational and
ethical concerns matter. We show that implicit
incentives arising from the presence of ethical
concerns play a crucial role in inducing analysts to
resist pressure from conflicts of interest. Our theory
indicates that without ethical considerations at stake,
the attraction of lucrative compensation and then the
temptation to liquidate reputation for profits are
stronger for reputable analysts.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 presents the model. Section 3 presents the
equilibrium behaviors of agents. Section 4 analyzes
the stationary equilibrium and discusses the main
results of the paper. Section 5 concludes.
1. Model
1.1. Timing
The model has three dates, t, t + 1 and t + 2. All
agents are risk neutral. The economy is composed of
a continuum of financial analysts and a continuum of
investment banks. At date t, analysts are employed by
investment banks to conduct research on the clients’
firms ongoing operations and provide forecast or
recommendations about the firms’ earnings. We
model the relationship between the employer and the
analyst as a principal-agent relationship with moral
hazard due to imperfect observability of the analyst’s
research effort.
Traditional proxies for research activity typically
encompass metrics such as the frequency of forecast
revisions, the number of coverage initiations, and the
volume of research notes disseminated. These outputs
represent the analyst's efforts to generate information,
albeit yielding a noisy signal regarding the firm's
earnings prospects. The analyst uses this information
to provide forecasts to his investor client at date t + 1.
The employer must design a contract that
effectively addresses the moral hazard problem
inherent in the analyst’s role. Analyst compensation
structures are inherently complex, incorporating
diverse mechanisms for incentivization. Within the
framework of this model, we assume that all contracts
include financial incentives to encourage analysts to
deliver valuable insights to investor clients. However,
we differentiate between two distinct categories of
contracts. The first category incorporates additional
financial rewards for the provision of qualitative
insights, such as Environmental, Social, and
Governance (ESG) information, thereby aligning
incentives with the delivery of such data. In contrast,
the second category excludes explicit financial
incentives for such qualitative insights, relying instead
on the analyst's intrinsic ethical commitment to
underscore the importance of this information.
The timing of the model is summarized as follows.
date t:
Financial analysts and employers are matched one-
to-one randomly. The analyst uses her unit time
endowment to exert a research effort, θt
date t + 1:
The employer offers a contract to the analyst,
The analyst accepts or rejects the contract
The analyst’s effort level in acquiring information
determines the value of her forecast which is
imperfectly observable by the employer, and contains
both quantitative (et+1) and qualitative (qt+1,)
date t + 2:
Realized value of the client firm is revealed to all
participants, and the analyst receives payoff according
to the value (i.e. public and private information) of the
1.2. Output and profits
The contractual relationship is modeled based on
the linear multi-task approach developed by Itoh
(1994) and Feltham & Xie (1994), from Holmstrom &
Milgrom (1987, 1991)’s canonical model.
In this framework, observable output is defined
over quantitative and qualitative information
contained in the analyst’s forecast by
y t+1 = e t+1 + q t+1 + ε t+1 (1)
e t+1 is the effort for gathering quantitative
q t+1 is the effort for gathering qualitative
ε t+1 is a random (noise) term with distribution
Ν(0,(σ t+1 )²)
The analyst’s expected compensation is
E(w t+1 ) = α . Ε( y t+1 ) + β (2)
where α and β are endogenous parameters
determined so as to maximize the employer’s
expected profits (see appendix)
The analyst’s net compensation is
ω t+1 = E(w t+1) - C(e t+1, q t+1) (3)
where C (.,.) is the analyst’s cost of efforts defined
below (equations 8a and 8b)
The employer’s expected profit is defined by
B t+1 = π(ρ t+1) . Ε( y t+1) - E(w t+1 ) (4)
π(ρ t+1) is the employer reputation level
ρ t+1 is the analyst’s productivity
Ε( y t+1) is the firm’s expected profit
E(w t+1) is the analyst’s expected compensation
Firm reputation is defined as in Kreps (1990):
π(ρ t+1)= ρ t+1 / [ρ t+1 + (1−ρ t+1) η t+1] (5)
where η measures the weight of unproductive
behaviors or external judgments.
This functional form captures the idea that a firm's
reputation depends on the interaction between an
employee's productivity t+1) and an external factor
or parameter (η), which determines the relative
influence of unproductive actions or their external
1.3. Analysts’ Utility and Productivity
The analyst’s utility depends both on leisure time
and consumption.
During the first period (from t to t+1), the analyst
allocates her unit time endowment to undertake
research efforts, represented by θt. The research effort
cost corresponds to the time invested in research
In the second period (from t+1 to t+2), the analyst's
consumption level is represented by ct+1. The analyst
earns a wage and consumes only during the second
period. Consequently, the budget constraint is given
by c t+1 t+1, where t+1 is the expected wage (net
of effort costs) defined previously.
Since the analyst consumes all earnings in the
second period (with no savings or bequests),
substituting c t+1 into the intertemporal utility function
yields the following expression for the analyst’s
ut+1 = log(1 − θt) + log ωt+1 (6)
with 1 − θt the first period leisure time and ωt+1 the
net compensation received in the second period.
The analyst’s productivity in t + 1, ρt+1 depends on
two arguments: the research effort, θt, and the
productivity level, ρt:
ρt+1 = ρ (ρtt) (7)
where ρ (.,.) is increasing in both arguments,
differentiable and concave.
More specifically, when computing the
equilibrium, we will assume that:
ρt+1 = At t)γ t) 1-γ (7’)
where 0 < At 1is an efficiency parameter and 0 <
1.4. Incentives and effort for quantitative and
qualitative information
In the second period (between t+1 and t+2), the
employer offers the analyst a contract that includes
financial rewards for effort on quantitative (hard)
information, e t+1, and may also incorporate additional
incentives for qualitative (soft) information, q t+1. As a
result, two types of contracts arise:
A Qualitative Information Incentive Contract:
This contract offers financial incentives for
providing quantitative information, and offers
additional financial incentives for qualitative
insights (e.g. including ESG-related
An Ethics-Driven Contract: This contract offers
financial incentives for providing quantitative
information, but does not provide financial
rewards for qualitative insights like ESG
information, relying instead on the analyst's
ethical commitment.
The objective of the employer is to design the
contract in a way acceptable by the analyst (i.e. such
that participation is ensured) and inducing the analyst
to exert the maximal effort level (i.e. such that it is
incentive compatible).
In period 2 (t+1 to t+2), the effort cost function
depends on the type of contract that the analyst has
With a Qualitative Information Incentive Contract,
additional financial incentives for providing
qualitative insights are provided
, the effort cost is
then defined by:
C(e t+1, q t+1) = (et+1)2 / 2 + (qt+1)² / 2 + µ (q t+1
e t+1) (8a)
where -1<µ<1 is the degree of interdependence
between effort for gathering quantitative and
qualitative information.
With an Ethics-Driven Contract, qualitative
insights are not incentivized, relying instead on the
analyst's ethical commitment, the effort cost is then
defined by
C(e t+1, q t+1) = (et+1)2 / 2 + λ (q t+1 - e t+1)2 / 2
The parameter λ, where 0< λ <1, quantifies the
degree to which the analyst internalizes or identifies
with the acquired qualitative information. Thus, λ
serves as a measure of the ethical tension or "ethical
distress" experienced by the analyst when engaging
with qualitative information. This construct can be
interpreted as a reflection of the analyst's adherence to
normative principles or their intrinsic work ethic.
A similar assumption is made in Itoh (1994).
2. Equilibrium
2.1. Second period equilibrium
To compute the model’s equilibrium, we start
backward with the second period equilibrium.
Comparing the firm’s expected profits under the two
possible contracts we get the following result.
Assumption 1:
0< ρt+1 <1 , that is:
Proposition 1.
Under Assumption 1, the equilibrium contract that
maximizes the firm’s expected profits Bt+1 is the
Ethics-Driven Contract if and only if the analyst’s
productivity is below the following threshold level
 
󰇛󰇜 where 
and  
if the analyst’s productivity is above the threshold
level, the equilibrium contract that maximizes the
firm’s expected profits Bt+1 is the Qualitative
Information Incentive Contract.
Proof: see appendix 5.1.
Under the Ethics-Driven Contract, financial
incentives are exclusively allocated to the provision of
quantitative information, whereas the Qualitative
Information Incentive Contract extends financial
rewards to both quantitative and qualitative
contributions. Proposition 1 posits that when an
analyst’s reputation for delivering high-quality
research falls below a critical threshold (),
employers opt for an Ethics-Driven Contract, relying
on the analyst’s intrinsic motivation or work ethic to
ensure the provision of qualitative information.
Conversely, for analysts with an established
reputation for high-quality research, the Qualitative
Information Incentive Contract incorporates
substantial monetary rewards to incentivize the
inclusion of qualitative insights.
Proposition 1 thus highlights how analysts'
productivity and status shape the design of incentive
contracts. Specifically, our findings show that
reputation reflects analysts’ abilities and correlates
with higher compensation, aligning with empirical
evidence linking pay to performance for financial
analysts (e.g., Eccles and Crane, 1988; Stickel, 1992;
Fang and Yasuda, 2009). In this framework, analysts’
reputational concerns further influence incentives to
deliver valuable and accurate reports. The Qualitative
Information Incentive Contract allows employers to
offer analysts significantly higher compensation,
A similar assumption is made in Heinle, Hofmann & Kunz (2012).
recognizing their prestige. Consistent with evidence
that star analysts command substantially higher
salaries than their lower-status counterparts, analysts
with a strong reputation for high-quality research
receive financial incentives for both quantitative and
qualitative information, effectively motivating their
performance. However, this lucrative compensation
linked to performance can create conflicting
incentives. In contrast, non-reputable analysts, who
must establish a reputation for delivering quality
research, rely more on intrinsic motivation or ethical
concerns to deliver qualitative information.
Consequently, employers are more likely to offer
them Ethics-Driven Contracts.
2.2. First period equilibrium
Based on the second-period contractual, we
calculate the first-period equilibrium research effort.
The analyst’s research effort in the first period is
determined according to the following program
󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜, s.t. ρt+1 = ρ tt)
We thus have (see appendix 5.2):
󰆓󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜 (9)
 󰇣󰆓󰇛󰇜
where 󰆒󰇛󰇜
󰇟󰇛󰇜󰇠, Δ=1+λ in
the ethics-driven contract or Δ=(1+μ)/2 in the
qualitative information incentive contract, and
2.3. Stationary equilibrium
Condition 1.
Under assumption 1, there exists a unique
equilibrium contract if and only if
either 󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜
󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇛󰇜 and the
optimal contract is an Ethics-Driven Contract
or 󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜
󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇛󰇜 and the optimal
contract is a Qualitative Information Incentive
where 
󰇛󰇜, 
 ,
D=(2η(1-η)ΔΨ-η(1+γ))²+4(1-η))(1-ΔΨ(1-η))(γ η+
ΔΨ η²)>0
and Δ=1+λ in the ethics-driven contract or
Δ=(1+μ)/2 in the qualitative information incentive
We then have the following result.
Proposition 2.
Under condition 1, the economy has a unique
stationary equilibrium. The Ethics-Driven Contract is
implemented when an analyst's productivity - and
consequently their reputation - falls below the
threshold level . Conversely, the Qualitative
Information Incentive Contract is employed when the
analyst's productivity and reputation exceed this
Proof: Immediate from Condition 1.
Proposition 2 illustrates that financial analysts with
high productivity or strong reputations are provided
financial incentives for both quantitative and
qualitative information. In contrast, analysts with
lower productivity or weaker reputations receive
monetary incentives exclusively for quantitative
information, with qualitative contributions being
driven by ethics-based incentives. This suggests that
ethical considerations function as a substitute for
reputation within the incentive frameworks designed
for analysts. Given the intricate interplay of
parameters influencing the model's endogenous
variables, numerical simulations are essential to
effectively compare research efforts and
compensation across the various incentive regimes.
2.4. Comparison of Research Levels and Wages
As reported in figure 1, we see that the Qualitative
Information Incentive Contract is characterized by
lower research effort at date t and a high expected
wage at date t + 1 (Figure 1, case a). On the contrary,
the Ethics-Driven Contract is characterized by a high
research effort at date t and a low expected wage (tied
to the quality of the analysts’ research) at date t + 1
(Figure 1, case b).
Our simulations show that implementing a contract
that leverages ethical distress ensures analysts exert
substantial research effort at date t. Within the
framework of the Ethics-Driven Contract, the reduced
sensitivity of effort to incentives in the second period
is offset by a heightened research effort relative to the
hypothetical, out-of-equilibrium level that would arise
if monetary incentives were applied uniformly to both
quantitative and qualitative information.
Consequently, this elevated research effort at date t
contributes to an enhanced reputation for the analyst
at date t+1. In summary, the Ethics-Driven Contract
capitalizes on analysts' intrinsic "work ethic" to
incentivize the production of valuable and reliable
research, achieving a high research-reputation
Alternatively, under the Qualitative Information
Incentive Contract, the higher sensitivity of effort to
incentives at date t + 1 coupled with the prospect of a
higher expected wage, results in reduced research
effort at date t compared to the hypothetical, out-of-
equilibrium level that could be achieved through non-
monetary incentives for qualitative information. This
diminished effort at date t undermines the analyst's
reputation for delivering valuable reports and
recommendations at date t + 1. This finding indicates
that a Qualitative Information Incentive Contract
exposes analysts to conflicts of interest. Specifically,
the emphasis on short-term gainsmanifested as the
higher wage anticipated at date t+1 distracts analysts
from producing high-quality research, thereby
adversely affecting their reputation. This dynamic
gives rise to a low research-reputation equilibrium.
Our findings highlight the impact of compensation
structures on analysts' effort decisions, taking into
account the roles of reputational considerations and
intrinsic work ethic. The key insight is that the
structure of compensation contracts, when influenced
by reputational concerns and ethical considerations,
can lead to incentive misalignments and suboptimal
decision-making among analysts. Specifically, we
argue that when compensation contracts emphasize
financial rewards for producing high-quality research
(as opposed to relying on ethical pressures), analysts
face a trade-off between short-term financial gains and
long-term reputational concerns. This trade-off often
results in analysts "liquidating" their reputation.
In this framework, the prospect of higher short-term
rewardssuch as the increased wages provided by
Qualitative Information Incentive Contracts
encourage analysts to act opportunistically, resulting
in a deterioration of research quality and a subsequent
erosion of their reputation. The theory of analyst
conflicts of interest suggests that analysts with
established reputations for delivering high-quality
research are more likely to resist opportunistic
behaviors to preserve the long-term benefits of their
reputation. Yet, our findings suggest the opposite:
Conflicts of interest have a more pronounced negative
effect on analysts with strong reputations. The lure of
lucrative compensation intensifies the temptation for
these analysts to trade their reputation for immediate
financial gains, challenging the theoretical
effectiveness of personal reputation as a disciplinary
mechanism. In contrast to Fang and Yasuda (2009)
who argue that personal reputation can effectively
deter conflicts of interest, our results show that the
significant compensation associated with full financial
incentive contracts weakens analysts' motivation to
uphold research quality and preserve their reputation.
In contrast, analysts driven by ethical considerations
in their research are more likely to produce accurate
work. This implies that compensation structures that
align with analysts' work ethic help mitigate the
pressures of conflicts of interest or enable analysts to
better resist them.
Overall, we find that Qualitative Information
Incentive Contracts exacerbate conflicts of interest,
harming both long-term reputation and research
quality. In contrast, Ethics-Driven Contracts, which
emphasize analysts' ethical motivations, help mitigate
conflicts and foster a high research-reputation
Parameters value: σ=0.1 η=0.7 γ=0.3
3. Conclusion
In response to scandals in the U.S. and growing
global concern over analyst research practices, the
SEC implemented a 2003 settlement requiring
securities firms to significantly separate research
activities from investment banking, particularly in
terms of analysts’ compensation. It is widely
acknowledged that conflicts of interest exist in analyst
research, and recent empirical studies have explored
the role of reputation in addressing these conflicting
This paper develops a dynamic model that
examines the interplay between work ethic,
reputational concerns, and incentives in analyst
research. Our central premise is that while potential
conflicts of interest exist, they are unlikely to be
exploited unless incentivized by the compensation
structure. Specifically, we propose that employers can
offer either an Ethics-Driven Incentive Contract or a
Qualitative Information Incentive Contract,
depending on analysts' reputational and ethical
By exploring the dynamic relationship between
compensation contracts and analysts effort in
delivering high-quality research, this study highlights
the role and limitations of reputation in mitigating
conflicts of interest. Our findings reveal that full
financial incentive contracts, which offer extrinsic
rewards for both quantitative and qualitative
information, tend to amplify conflicts of interest. The
promise of lucrative compensation under these
contracts often discourages analysts from putting in
the necessary research effort, ultimately undermining
their reputation for providing valuable insights to
Conversely, contracts that combine monetary and
non-monetary rewards based on an analyst’s work
ethic lead to greater research effort and support the
development of a strong long-term reputation. This
analysis underscores the critical relationship between
ethical and reputational concerns and incentives as a
key driver of research quality. In the absence of ethical
considerations, the temptation of short-term financial
rewards may prompt even high-reputation analysts to
compromise their reputation for immediate gains,
resulting in less accurate research.
Conflicts of interest
The author(s) states that there is no conflict of
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A. Optimal Contracts
The contractual relationship is modeled based on the
linear multi-task approach developed by Itoh (1994) and
Feltham & Xie (1994), from Holmstrom & Milgrom
(1987, 1991)’s canonical model.
Observable output is given by y t+1 = e t+1 + q t+1 +
ε t+1
where: e t+1 is the effort for gathering quantitative
information, q t+1 is the effort for gathering qualitative
information and ε t+1 is a random (noise) term with
distribution Ν(0,(σ t+1 )²)
The analyst’s net compensation is ω t+1 = E(w t+1) -
C(e t+1, q t+1)
where C (.,.) is the analyst’s cost of efforts
(equations 8a and 8b) and the analyst’s expected
compensation is E(w t+1 ) = α . Ε( y t+1 ) + β
Parameters α and β are determined so as to maximize
the employer’s expected profits
B t+1 = π(ρ t+1) . Ε( y t+1) - E(w t+1 ), with π(ρ t+1)= ρ
t+1 / [ρ t+1 + (1−ρ t+1) η t+1] .
In this context, the optimal contract is determined in
three steps:
Step 1 : Incentive compatible constraint : α
such that e t+1 = argMax CE t+1
Step 2 : Participation constraint: β such that
CE t+1 =0
Step 3 : Optimal contract: (e t+1 , q t+1 )=
argMax B t+1
Where the analyst’s certain equivalent is defined by
CE = E(w t+1) - C(e t+1, q t+1) r(α)²(σ t+1 ²/2 ) , with
r the absolute risk aversion coefficient: r = - u”(.) / u’(.)
= 1 / (w t+1 - C(e t+1, q t+1)), given a second period
reservation utility null
Solving step 1, 2 and 3 leads to the following optimal
Qualitative Information Incentive Contract
et+1 = π(ρ t+1) - Ψ t+1
q t+1 = π(ρ t+1)
E(w t+1) = (π(ρ t+1))²/2 - t+1)²(1+λ)/2
B t+1 = (π(ρ t+1))²/2 - π(ρ t+1) Ψ t+1 + (Ψ t+1)²(1+λ) / 2
with Ψ t+1= σt+1/√2.
Ethics-Driven Contract (EDC):
et+1 = π(ρ t+1)/(1+μ) - Ψ t+1 / 2
q t+1 = π(ρ t+1)/(1+μ) - Ψ t+1 / 2
E(w t+1) = (π(ρ t+1))²/ (1+μ) - t+1)²(1+μ) / 4
B t+1 = (π(ρ t+1))²/ (1+μ) - π(ρ t+1) Ψ t+1 + t+1)²(1+μ)
/ 4
with Ψ t+1= σt+1/√2.
Proof of Proposition 1.
We compute the difference between expected profits
from the QIIC and expected profits from the EDC, and
find that
(π(ρ t+1))²/2 - π(ρ t+1) Ψ t+1 + t+1)²(1+λ) / 2 - (π(ρ
t+1))²/ (1+μ)
- π(ρ t+1) Ψ t+1 + (Ψ t+1)²(1+μ) / 4
= (π(ρ t+1))² (μ-1) / 2 (μ+1) + (Ψ t+1)²(1-μ+2λ) / 4
Given that -1<μ<1, (π(ρ t+1))² (μ-1) / 2 (μ+1) +
t+1)²(1-μ+2λ) / 4 >0 iff
(π(ρ t+1))² <(Ψ t+1)²(1+μ)(1-μ+2λ) / 2(1-μ) , that is: π(ρ
t+1) <  
which is equivalent to ρ t+1 <  
with 
 and Ψ t+1= σt+1/√2.
B. Dynamics of analyst’s research and
Solving 
󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜, s.t. ρt+1 = ρ
tt) =At t)γ t) 1-γ
leads to the following condition:
 
where 󰇛󰇜
 
 and 
We thus have
 
, that is:
ω t+1 = E(w t+1) - C(e t+1, q t+1)
and E(w t+1) = (π(ρ t+1))²/2 - t+1)²(1+λ)/2 in the QIIC
and E(w t+1) = (π(ρ t+1))²/ (1+μ) - t+1)²(1+μ) / 4 in
the EDC
we get:
ω t+1 = Ψ t+1 π(ρ t+1)- Δ (Ψ t+1 and 
In turn, we obtain
where 󰆒󰇛󰇜
and Δ = 1+λ in the QIIC , Δ = (1+μ)/2 in the EDC
and Ψ t+1= σt+1 / √2
Then we show that ρt+1 is monotonic and strictly
increasing in ρt
We compute
 󰇣󰆓󰇛󰇜
In turn, we can write:
󰇟󰇠 󰇩󰆒󰇛󰇜
 󰇩
That is  󰇟󰇛󰇜󰇠
 with 󰇛󰇜
We show that G’ (ρt+1) < 0 π (.) < 0
Given that π(ρ t+1)= ρ t+1 / [ρ t+1+(1−ρ t+1 t+1] , hence,
function G(.) is strictly decreasing. Using the implicit
function theorem, ρt+1 therefore is monotonic and
strictly increasing in ρt.
For each ρt corresponds a unique ρt+1.